I’m feeling a bit nostalgic today. Closing out my dad’s affairs is like re-starting the grieving process all over again. 

It’s especially hard, because today is also my parent’s wedding anniversary. My parents divorced years before my dad passed, but it’s still a date you mentally observe due to its significance. 

Even during their divorced years, my dad still sent my mom flowers every year for their anniversary. A lot of people think that’s weird. I won’t lie, I kinda thought it was too in the beginning.

It’s how my dad showed he cares though. He loved giving gifts. It was one of the things I loved most about him. Not because I got stuff, but because he was always so excited to give them.

My parent’s divorce was the first time I realized that most adults don’t have life figured out. It also taught me that sometimes love is complicated, but that doesn’t mean it has to be complicated in a bad way.